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Written Records

March 2003

Very little to report about the village for February, but then I always find February a dull month largely because, I guess, it's generally wet and the nights have barely drawn out, so thank goodness it's only 28 days long! The mad March hares beckon and Spring is just around the corner. Our neighbour already has frogspawn in his pond. He must have hardier frogs than us because ours are nowhere in sight.

February was a month of good news on the email front. A couple of 'lost' members rejoined, a couple of new members joined and I managed to put several people in contact with each other after many years apart, so, when all is said and done, February made running the website worthwhile. Whilst talking about emails I must thank all those members who kindly sent me back copies of this newsletter. I am very grateful to you all, especially Robert Walden, Donna Makowski, Diane Crane and Bruce & Jenny Rudland. Your 'squirrel-nature' has saved the day! I now have a MS Word document that is 80 pages long (and still growing - monthly).

I'm also grateful to our Southern hemisphere members who have kept me informed about the state of their drought. Your emails have not only filled several column inches in the village magazine but have also raised much interest amongst the readers. One email this month was particularly interesting because it concerns St Mary's Church. It comes from a Patricia Marshall - "I am an independent scholar, (a former professor of Classics), doing research and writing for Trinity Episcopal Church in Boston. We have three grand Oudinot windows, but very little is known about them and less about the artist than one might have expected. Ms. Newman's story of Oudinot and Canon Sparke has been a delight and raised some questions for me over the purchase of the windows for Trinity (1877-78). I am preparing an article about the window, and hope to go on to write more

about Oudinot's art." So Feltwell's fame continues to spread.

A few months ago I asked for photographs from your varied locations of the weather at the time that you received this newsletter. To repay the kindness of many of you I offer this link http://www.feltwell.org.uk/feltwell_in_the_snow.htm. Enjoy.

One bit of bad news this last month was that Mr Eric Lawrence has died. Eric was one of the trustees of the old cricket club and a great supporter of the current one. He will be sadly missed around the village.

Only two new photographs this month and both from Mrs Joyce McLeod nee Payne. They feature Joyce as a young Girl Guide laying wreaths at the War Memorial on Remembrance Day 1956. To be found on the 'Parades & Special Events' page of Site 2.