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On with the tour

The West End Public House and the Fen.
[Come see it as it is now]

On with the tour

1Western Close (small)

2The West End Public House 1 (small)

3The West End Public House 2 (small)

4Fen Flood January 1915

Read about the excavation of Western Close. You pass it as you leave the western end of the village.

Just before the western entrance to the airbase is the West End Public House.
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Circa 1915-20. At about this time this used to be a Six Day Inn (ie closed on Sunday). The Landlord was Luke Rolph who swapped pubs with George Ketteringham c.1922.   Brewers: Steward & Patterson Ltd. Note the Barns, hedgerow & trees of Western Close (now Manor Park estate) on the right. Post 1922 as the Landlord was George Ketteringham (formerly of the Elm Tree PH). Note that a new extension had been built and the front entrance blocked in. Over the barn roof can be seen the chimneys of the former 9 West End Cottages (2 blocks, one of 4, one of 5). Poppylot Hall, Feltwell Fen Flood. Jan. 1915. No.4

Read about Poppylot POW camp.


Further Flood Photographs.

6Roman villa
7Roman bath house

1. The base of a Roman Villa found in a meadow of Glebe Farm. Taken in 1964.

2. The remains of a Roman Bath House found down Little Oulsham Drove about half a mile from St. Nicholas Church, on the Hithe Road.

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The Anchor Inn.

This pub, now derelict, was located on the river bank at Feltwell Anchor which was originally a separate parish. Both Feltwell and Feltwell Anchor parishes were amalgamated in the 1920s.

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There were many POW camps in the area during WW2. They were used firstly for Italian POWs and then, in the closing days, for German POWs. Peter Jordan (middle of back row of right hand photo) recalls his time as a camp guard.
Click here to see a map showing the location of the camps.

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