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To add a name to these Memorial Pages simply email me the content that you would like to be displayed, please include all relevant service dates if possible.  This page is only for those who have served at RAF Feltwell. Photographs may be included.

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From Doris Mitchell


Barry's recollections

An unknown Pilot Officer Air Gunner from 75 Squadron.

The crew of a Lancaster. Names

No. 3 Service Flying Training School, 'Course1'

Photo from Barry Davis

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A Night on the Town! & 'The Crew'. 1948-49

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Photos from 'Derek 'Bubbles' Routen, LAC 3112480


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This photo was taken at Feltwell in December 1949.  It shows Danny Cawthra, from Halifax (left) and myself, Derek Routen.  I was on demob. leave, hence the 'best blue' uniform.  Just a few days from 'civvy street'.

Flight Lieutenant H. J. Lawson  Harry J. Lawson installed the Air traffic Control equipment at RAF Feltwell and was the sole survivor of a Wellington crash.  Read his story here. Cyril Percy ANSPACK was based at Feltwell for a period 1941/42 before being posted to Stradishall. 

Photo from his son Chris

john_skelly.jpg (15361 bytes)"My father Peter Doig Scott, was a rear gunner and gunnery instructor for the 214 Squadron based at RAF Stradishall in 1940. His Log shows he travelled to Feltwell on 23 July 1940 in Wellington L-4338 piloted by P/O Perioli.

On the back of one of his war photos he has written: John Skelly ,"Dan-a-Meenit", July 1940 RAF Feltwell.         See Nose Art

I know nothing more about John Skelly but if he was based at Feltwell at that time perhaps someone might have some information. It's a lovely photo and I'd be willing to have copies made for John Skelly's family if we can locate them."  Sheila Scott Byrne (Email the webmaster for Sheila's address)

This Wellington was T2820, served with 75 Sqd, crashed on Methwold Fen night of 21-22 Oct. 1940, all 6 crew survived. .  A John Henry Skelly is recorded in the BCWG - Dan Engle

My Uncle, Sgt. John Henry Waterfall was a radio operator and air gunner on a Wellington based at Feltwell, Squadron 37. He joined the RAF in Jan 1939, and was awarded the DFM in May 1940, having shot down a Messerschmitt 109, and severely damaging a M. 110. 

He was killed on the night of 6/7 July 1940, when his plane failed to return from duties to Bremen. It was shot down over Jever in Germany. He was laid to rest at the British Military Cemetery, Oldenburgh, Germany.

Caroline Kesseler (nee Waterfall)   Read more about John here.


1 2  3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Crew of V-Victor, Wellington L7848, at RAF Feltwell, August 1940.   Further details.    From Michael Curtis.

Pilot Officer CurtisPilot Officer Sanderson (2nd Pilot), 
Sgt Ritchie (WOP), Sgt McMaster (N), 
Sgt Beckett (FG), Sgt Goodhue (RG)

golf_membership_card.jpg (28369 bytes)Now here's a novelty!
One of the original RAF Feltwell Golf Club membership cards with names of Club officials. 

From Vic Redmond

Photographs of the first "tee-off".

Personnel of the Repair and Inspection section,
Jan 1949.

The aircraft is Harvard UN999

From L to R

Back Row: 'Ginger', Sid, Ken, Sgt 'Lofty' Eaton, Don, Stan Faulkner, Cpl Bob Law

Front Row: Ken, Jock, Derek Routen, Dick Fallows, 'Pinkie' (WAAF), Geoff, 'Geordie' Williams, Bill Bond, John Etheridge.

From Derek Routen.  

RAF Feltwell Station Armoury 1941-42

My father is in the back row 2nd in from right, as you look at picture. His name is James (Jim) O'Neill.

I know he was playing football early in the war but I understand he was Injured in a air raid and later took up training a football team. He is the trainer at this link?

Any stories would be nice.

Brian O'Neill.

I attach a photo of my father Flt Sgt Peter John Paine, who was based at Feltwell and was killed on 26th March 1942. I believe this was taken when he was training in Canada. 

He was RAFVR 57 Sqd.

Crispin Paine


Margaret Mary Green, WAAF

Margaret Mary Green was born in and from Liverpool. She joined the RAF in 24 October 1947 and was initially trained at Wyton in November 1947 before being posted to 2 S of AT in January 1948 and then to Feltwell in May of 1948 and was discharged from Feltwell on 1 January 1949. Her service number was 2803110 and she was an ACW2 and was an EQ/Asst by trade on discharge.

From Margaret's son, Allen Ambridge.

From Andy Richbell

 Leonard Richbell, grandfather, (on the left) with Andy Coutts (Middle). I am not sure who the third person is but Leonard labels this picture as 'The Crew' so I assume it is either Sergeant D.C. Robinson or Sergeant W.D.L. Goodfellow who were listed as being on the same plane as him on 5th May. Leonard's body was washed up on a small island called Süderoog nearly two months after he was lost.


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